EZGO Solenoid Wiring Diagrams (36v, 48v, TXT, RXV) | Golf Storage Ideas (2025)

EZGO Solenoid Wiring Diagrams (36v, 48v, TXT, RXV) | Golf Storage Ideas (1)

EZGO 36 volt solenoid wiring diagram

The easiest way to wire a solenoid on a 36-volt EZGO golf cart is to follow the solenoid wiring diagram for the cart.

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This diagram gives a clear illustration of the wiring connections made from and to the solenoid. In most carts, the wiring is very straightforward and simple. You can do this by following these steps.

  1. Connect the main positive battery terminal to one of the two large solenoid terminals.
  2. Connect the positive terminal of the cart’s controller to the other large solenoid terminal.
  3. Connect the negative terminal of the controller to one of the small solenoid terminals.
  4. Connect the potentiometer microswitch with 36v rating to the other small solenoid terminal.

The connection of both the large solenoid terminals helps in setting up the connection with the switches. The small terminals’ connection can be interchanged and you can use any of the two terminals to connect to either the controller or the microswitch.

It’s a good idea to take photos of the existing wiring for reference before you begin to do the solenoid wiring yourself.

The following steps can help you determine if the solenoid of your golf cart is due for a replacement:

  1. Connect the negative and positive probes of the multimeter to the negative and positive terminals of the battery pack.
  2. Note down the above voltage reading. This is the battery voltage.
  3. Turn the key switch to ON position and the gear selector in Forward direction.
  4. Keep the positive probe of the multimeter on the large solenoid post that is on the side of the controller. This reading must be less than the above-noted battery voltage by 0.1 volts to 3 volts.
  5. If the reading is the same as the battery voltage noted earlier, the solenoid must be replaced.

EZGO 48v solenoid wiring diagram

The solenoid wiring for an EZGO 48v golf cart is similar to that of a 36-volt cart. You can follow the steps given above to know how the solenoid wiring is done.

The steps listed below will help you understand how to check the main solenoid to determine if you have got your wiring right.

  1. Disconnect all the wires that are connected to the solenoid.
  2. Set the multimeter reading to resistance.
  3. Measure the resistance at the solenoid coil. This value should be at least 100 Ohms.
  4. Connect the leads of the multimeter to the main lugs of the solenoid.
  5. Attach jumpers from the main battery positive and negative terminals to the small terminals of the solenoid. The reading should rise to infinity and then dip to less than 0.3 Ohms.
  6. Take off the jumpers and reconnect the solenoid as it was originally from the harness.

If the solenoid has a suppression diode, ensure that the non-banded side is connected to the blue wire on the Pin 12 from the controller. The white band must be on the positive side of the small solenoid terminals.

If you’re using the original controller of your golf cart, it’s worth noting that it comes with the setting for a 36-volt solenoid. You’ll have to get it reconfigured for a 46-volt solenoid.

EZGO gas golf cart solenoid wiring

The solenoid wiring on an EZGO gas golf cart is quite simple and straightforward.

1992 EZGO gas golf cart wiring

The wiring for this golf cart involves just a few steps as mentioned here.

  1. Connect one large terminal of the solenoid to the main positive battery terminal.
  2. Connect the other large terminal of the solenoid to the B+ terminal of the controller.
  3. Connect one small solenoid activation terminal of the solenoid to the B- terminal of the controller.
  4. Connect one small solenoid activation terminal of the solenoid to the potentiometer microswitch that has a positive 36-volt feed.

1986 EZGO gas golf cart wiring

If you have a 1986 EZGO golf cart, the solenoid is configured as A, D, C, B. The yellow wire with red stripes is connected to the D small stud that leads to the ignitor. The cable from one large solenoid post leads to the battery while the other large post is connected to the starter/generator. The red wire from the voltage regulator is connected to one of the small solenoid posts.

EZGO TXT solenoid wiring

The solenoid wiring of an EZGO TXT golf cart is explained below.

1999 EZGO TXT golf cart

  1. Connect the power harness to the B+ terminal of the controller.
  2. Connect the yellow and blue wires from the control harness to both the large posts of the solenoid.
  3. Connect the red wire from the control harness to the main positive battery terminal.

2003 EZGO TXT golf cart

In a 2003 EZGO TXT golf cart, the orange wire with white stripes coming from the ignitor is connected to the small terminal of the solenoid. This can be done by plugging the wire on to the male spade that is bolted on to this terminal.

You can use a pair of pliers to tighten the terminal so the spade doesn’t fall off. The fuse present on the solenoid on its hot side is connected to a microswitch under the mat.

2002 EZGO TXT golf cart

In a 2002 EZGO TXT PDS golf cart, the yellow wire is connected to the positive side small terminal of the solenoid. The blue wire is connected to the negative side small terminal of the solenoid. The red wire connection is done to the large terminal post that is closer to the battery. This cart does not have a diode.

1989 EZGO TXT golf cart

It’s worth keeping in mind that a 1989 EZGO TXT has no ground wire for the solenoid.

EZGO RXV voltage reducer wiring

The explanation for the voltage reducer wiring of a 2014 EZGO RXV golf cart is given below.

  1. Connect the large solenoid post that is always hot to the main positive on the battery pack.
  2. Connect the other large solenoid post to the controller. This post is referred to as the switched post.
  3. Connect the switched post of the solenoid to the switched wire coming out from the voltage reducer.

You must remember to set the Run/Tow switch of the cart in Tow mode before loosening the wires on the batteries and solenoid.

On a 2009 48-volt EZGO RXV golf cart, the red and black leads of the voltage reducer are connected to the positive and negative battery terminals respectively. The orange lead is connected to Terminal 2 that is opposite the hot battery connection.

On a 2013 48-volt cart, you may have to include a toggle switch for the voltage reducer.

On a 2015 EZGO RXV golf cart, the best place to get a voltage reducer fitted is from the small solenoid terminal with the red wire connection. However, if your cart is equipped with factory lights, it comes with a voltage reducer already fitted under the driver seat.

If you plan on using a voltage reducer with a control switch wire, then the reducer must be directly connected to the solenoid bolt that is opposite of where the positive output of the battery pack is connected to the solenoid.

1997 EZGO solenoid wiring diagram

In a 1997 EZGO golf cart, the solenoid present over the speed controller has a red wire connection. The cart can be operated if there is a jumper connection from the B+ post of the connection to the solenoid post that has the red wire connection.

You can check if a solenoid is good or bad in your golf cart by following the steps given below.

  1. Raise the rear tires of the golf cart from the ground.
  2. Keep jack stands below the axles so that the golf cart doesn’t start moving accidentally.
  3. Remove the charger from the golf cart and set the Run/Tow switch to Run mode. Also, set the key to the ON position and the Forward/Reverse switch to the Forward position. This sets the battery pack voltage on pins 6, 7, 9 and 10 to full.
  4. Press the throttle pedal a quarter to one-third way down.
  5. Check the voltage at pins 5 and 7. If pin 5 has full pack voltage and pin 7 has nil voltage, the solenoid is faulty.

2004 EZGO solenoid wiring diagram

You can test for a defective solenoid in your 2004 EZGO golf cart with the following steps.

  1. Connect both the large posts of the solenoid with the key in the OFF position.
  2. Raise the rear tires of the cart and turn the key to the ON position.
  3. Press the accelerator pedal. If the cart starts running, you have a defective solenoid.

Continue Reading...

  1. How to Test and Bypass EZGO Golf Cart Solenoid (STEPS)
  2. Golf Cart Solenoid; How to Bypass | Bad Solenoid Symptoms
  3. How to Test/Install Golf Cart Voltage Reducer + (Wiring Diagram)
EZGO Solenoid Wiring Diagrams (36v, 48v, TXT, RXV) | Golf Storage Ideas (2025)
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