Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (2024)

Our Sustainable Practices

Future Kids focuses on providing plentiful, natural outdoor spaces with a lovely bright and light indoor area - a child's big backyard, a home away from home!

Future Kids was born from a dream to make a difference in Early Learning Education for Kiwi families. We provide the perfect environment where imagination can be grown and skills can be developed. With good old fashion values that encompass home grown cooked meals that have organic wholesome food included in them with our no added sugar policy - each and every day!

We strive to provide a green and sustainable home away from home in a wholesome, natural environment. With free access to the outdoors to run and play in the fresh air, the children have the freedom to express themselves and will be loved and supported for who they are.

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Our centre has a fruit orchard with many varieties of organic fruit for the children to pick and eat including apples, Nashi, feijoas, peaches, plums, oranges, lemons, Raspberries and mandarins. Our fences are lined with grape vines and hedges made from fruit trees as part of our vision to have an edible garden. Each room as its own raised-bed gardens in which we grow organic vegetables, herbs and of course fresh strawberries. All of the produce grown will be eaten by the children, with any excess produce offered to our families or used as part of fundraising activities.

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Organic menu

Offering organic wholefood choices with a zero sugar policy. Not only are our organic menus delicious, but they fuel your child with the proper nutrition. Providing your child with optimal health and wellness.

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Solar panels

Our centre has solar energy panels which store the sun’s natural energy, providing a renewable source of energy to the centre.   There are no direct greenhouse gas emissions because the electricity is made from direct sunlight rather than burning fossil fuels.

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Our centres  are also home to our family of animals, chickens, rabbits, guinea pig, Kunekune pig, beehives and a worm farm. Daily activities for the children at the centre include handling and feeding animals, and collecting food waste from meals to feed the chickens and worm-farms. This interaction encourages children to learn about sustainability and the way nature relates to their daily lives.

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Eco-friendly cleaning products

Our centres use eco-friendly cleaning productswhich provide anon-toxicenvironment

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We are strongly focused on recycling all waste in our centre with purpose built recycling centres in each room for organic food waste, soft plastics, hard plastics and cardboard.

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Rainwater harvesting

We have two large rainwater tanks that gather rainwater from the roof then we feed it back to the gardens and orchard.

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Purified water

Our centre has HRV water filters installed. This reduces sediment, chlorine and other contaminants, delivering clean filtered water from every tap.

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Wooden furniture

Our centres are fitted with local New Zealand made high quality non toxic wood furniture with an emphasis on beauty, functionality, and environmental awareness.

Our Programme

Our programme at Future Kids based on the New Zealand early childhood education curriculum called Te Whariki.

Future Kids is committed to providing a programme that balances the interests of the child together with the aspirations of both the parents and teachers. Our programme is varied and flexible on a day to day basis, developing the curiosities of children. We offer a range of learning opportunities within our sustainable environment to engage tamariki in a well-resourced, creative and inspiring environment.

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Our Rooms

Te rūma o ao - Infants

Te rūma o ao is a space where infants are nurtured. Teachers respond to individual children’s cues and life in the rūma ao is centered around each child’s unique needs and ways of being. The teaching team work from the heart to create a loving space, where the relationship between baby and teacher is paramount. The partnership with you as the parent and us as the teacher, is the fundamental base of what happens for your child and how. Through this strong connection between the parent, the teacher and the child; rūma ao at Future Kids becomes a loving, caring and nurturing space to be in.


  • Two sleep rooms to ensure your baby sleeps soundly
  • Fabulous large windows and doors to create indoor/outdoor flow
  • Covered outdoor area so they can play out of the wind
  • Teachers who understand the importance of the parent, child and teacher triadic relationship
  • A space where infants feel a sense of belonging, a connection to teachers and a safe place to explore
  • Connection to nature where babies have the opportunity to explore the natural environment, engaging all of their senses
  • Access to animals, animal sounds and natural, outdoor spaces including real grass
  • Great adult: child ratios
  • Ongoing documentation in your child’s own education portfolio (which is online as well – in a private and safe portfolio system calledEduca) to capture and share moments of your child's day
  • Communication booklets where teachers and parents share daily notes about feeds, sleeps and relevant information
  • Becauserūmaaois separate to other rooms infants can have uninterrupted periods of time in a safe setting

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Te rūma o hau - Toddlers

Te rūma o hau is a hive of toddler engagement. With the right level of challenge and curiosity inspiration, this room works with the current interest, skill and disposition of your child. As each toddler tries new approaches, new ways of moving, communicating and being, rūma hau teaching team will respond.  At Future Kids, we know that trial and error is part of the learning process for toddlers, so as a team we make sure each milestone is celebrated. Care moments are heart melting significant times throughout the day, where teachers and children work one to one to connect.

Challenges of walking, talking, climbing, communicating in a range of ways, makes therūmahauexciting and active. Spaces for children to feel a sense of hiding enable your child moments of privacy, while the areas of curiosity around the indoor and outdoor spaces, offer new learning and skill mastery.


  • Two sleep rooms to ensure your baby sleeps soundly
  • Covered outdoor area so they can play out of the wind
  • Fabulous large windows and doors to create indoor/outdoor flow
  • Creativity stations
  • Fabulous playground to expand your child’s sense of exploring
  • A range of climbing experiences including logs, ramps, and steps
  • Opportunities to engage with animals, learning about caring for others, language development, cause and effect and sensory development
  • Trolleys, posting and enveloping spaces; so as toddlers develop confidence in their new skills, they get to practice, practice and practice in order to master milestones
  • A range of areas of play
  • Real grass allowing for that raw feeling of nature
  • Fruit trees and edible gardens allowing children the chance to help water, prune and grow organic foods
  • Greatadult:childratios
  • An environment that is designed with your individual child in mind. Teachers work to provide new learning based on the skill or disposition they see happening for your child, all documented in your child’s own education portfolio (which is online as well – in a private and safe portfolio system called Educa)
  • Daily care moments are seen as learning opportunities and children are active participants in all that happens in their day

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Te rūma o wai - Older Toddlers

Te rūma o wai daily life is busy but calm.  As children start to grow in confidence and communication skills, rūma wai provides a space where children are seen as capable and confident. Singing and small group times start to take shape and become informal parts of the day.  Negotiation and problem solving are new skills which take practice and in rūma wai, children are given the time, space and just the right amount of teacher input, in order to master the skill of turn taking, empathy and being a friend. Care moments are special moments in the day where children begin to take responsibility for small tasks and become active leaders in their room. Teachers notice what is happening for each child, recognize the learning and teachable moments, respond through a range of skilled teaching techniques, and revisit that learning in a range of exciting and stage appropriate ways. The kaupapa in this room really starts to shine with children taking care of gardens, worms, animals, exploring nature and being active eco friendly citizens of Future Kids.


  • Sleep room
  • Covered outdoor area so they can play out of the wind and rain
  • Fabulous large windows and doors to create indoor/outdoor flow
  • Dedicated creativity station
  • Dedicated carpentry workshop area
  • Fabulous playground to expand your child’s sense of exploring
  • Natural shade
  • Interaction with animals, worms, gardens and nature; which inspires taking responsibility, curiosity, empathy working with others, scientific and math concepts, cause and effect
  • Theby product of animals, plants, worms are used in the programme to develop awareness and knowledge of the value of acting sustainably, organically and becoming ecologically aware
  • The Future Kids community comes to life as the skills of people in our community become friends of the centre offering specialist skills such as sewing, music, wood work, gymnastics; by using our own produce ashokohoko(trade items)
  • Learning is documented in your child’s own education portfolio (which is online as well – in a private and safe portfolio system called Educa)

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Te rūma o ahi - Preschool

Te rūma o ahi offers the opportunity for children to build on emerging confidence, to understand the complexity of friendships, working with others and caring for our environment. Rūma ahi offers children the chance to share ideas, be creative, take responsibility for themselves and the environment, show leadership and explore their sense of identity. The programme is built around a project base approach whereby everyday happenings such as collecting the eggs from the chickens, offers learning about how much to feed the chickens in order to get the eggs, what to do with the eggs and how many eggs do we need to sell in order to buy enough food for the chickens. The fruit trees offer another example of the project based approach whereby children are part of the growing, pruning, feeding, picking, bottling and sharing process.

Rūmaahiincludes approximately 15 areas of play as well, such as dress ups, junk play, construction, mat times alongside the added value of connection with nature and acting in an environmentally friendly way.

Our hope for your child when leaving us fromrūmaahiis that they leave us feeling confident in who they are, strong in identity, with the competence and capability to follow their dreams into school in an environmentally and sustainable way.


  • Sleep room that couples as a quiet room and classroom
  • Covered outdoor area so they can play out of the wind and rain
  • Fabulous large windows and doors to create indoor/outdoor flow
  • Dedicated creativity station
  • Dedicated carpentry workshop area
  • 15 areas of play including dress ups, clay, cooking, construction, loose part play….
  • Literacy, numeracy, science and mathematical concepts developed through real life and applied experiences, promoting life and school readiness
  • Small groups times such as mat times
  • Fabulous playground to expand your child’s sense of exploring
  • Naturalshade
  • Interaction with animals, worms, gardens and nature; which inspires taking responsibility, curiosity, empathy when working with others, project approaches, language, numeracy and literacy comprehension
  • Theby product of animals, plants, worms are used in the programme to develop understanding and knowledge of the value of acting sustainably, organically and becoming ecologically aware
  • The Future Kids community adds to therūmaahilife as the skills of people in our community become teachers in the centre offering specialist skills such as sewing, music, wood work, gymnastics; by using our own produce ashokohoko(trade items)
  • Teachers inrūmaahiwork in conjunction with the local school teachers to ensure that the programme offers children the skills, enquiry and opportunities that are expected for starting school
  • Learning is documented in your child’s own education portfolio (which is online as well – in a private and safe portfolio system calledEduca) showcasing the learning journey of your child, providing essential information for your child’s next teacher.

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Our Services

Healthy Menus

We provide a healthy organic menu with meals and snacks for children over 12 months of age while they are in our care. The children will have a cooked lunch most days and you will find the weekly menu displayed in the foyer. Children under 12 months will need to provide their own meals. Please inform us of any food allergies your child may have.


We encourage the use of cloth nappies, and our centre is set up to accommodate these. You will need to provide nappies for your own child or we can provide disposable nappies at a cost of $3.00 per day.


All children requiring infant formula will need to bring the bottles pre made, named and placed in the refrigerator in your child’s room.


All children enrolled at Future Kids will have a portfolio book. We use Educa, which is an online portfolio system. Follow this link to find out more www.educa.co.nz.

All portfolios have an initial set up cost of $25.

Portfolios are an important piece of documentation providing you with a visual story of your child’s time here at the centre. They are a holistic narrative of your child’s learning journey and a shared anecdote between us, your child and your family /whanau.

Portfolios are something special our teachers enjoy creating together for your child. Our teachers take a lot of pride in capturing the uniqueness of each child within the centre environment. Through the pages you will see photos and photo stories, written observations, collections of art and different accounts of your child’s participation, growth and development in centre life.

We have a high focus to detail when working on the children’s portfolios and we are proud of the unique way in which the portfolios are presented. Our teachers use photoshop artistry and their individual creativeness to present an impressive document for your child to cherish in years to come.


Sunscreen will be applied during the warmer months of the year, Term 1 and 4 at $10 per term. This will be added to your child’s account.

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Weekly Food Menu

Morning tea

Scones & Jam: Freshly baked with organic flour, soda water and coconut cream, spread with freshly made sugar free jam. Variations: Dates, sultanas, apricots, cinnamon. Served with an assorted fresh fruit platter.

DF, EF, NF, vegan

Allergy friendly alternative: Baked with organic gluten free flour, soda water and coconut cream, or alternative milk substitute, spread with freshly made Jam. Served with an assorted seasonal fresh fruit platter.

GF, vegan


Pump up Sliders: Home made grass fed minced beef, sauteed onions, grated carrots and seasoning to taste. Served with lettuce and tomato in a bread bun, with homemade tomato sauce and mayo on the side.

Allergy friendly alternative: Vegan/Vegetarian/No Beef: Vegetable patty made with pumpkin, kumara, spinach and seasonal vegetables. Gluten Free: Bread/Roll

Afternoon Tea

Crackled Cocoa Bliss balls: Tasty little nutritionally dense morsels packed full of healthy goodness, including, cranberries, puffed rice, cocoa and coconut. (DF, GF, EF, NF, vegan)

Allergy friendly alternative: As above. (GF, DF, EF, NF, vegan)

Served with vegetable sticks and Homemade Raita,

Allergy friendly alternative: Organic Hummus, (DF)

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Morning tea

Wicked Waffles

Freshly made fluffy wicked waffles with organic flour, milk and free range eggs. Variations: Plain, blueberry, mixed berry, apple & cinnamon, spiced pumpkin, banana, choc chip

Allergy friendly alternative: Waffles Made with organic gluten free flour, coconut/milk alternative and egg substitute. Variations as above. (DF, GF, EF, NF, vegan)

Served with our Endless Summer Smoothie, made with blitz coconut/alternative milk, frozen berries, banana and a sprinkle of essence.


Slice of heaven: Homemade freshly baked pizza dough, served with our own in -house tomato-based sauce and an array of natural toppings: cheese, tomatoes, shredded chicken/ham, onion and capsicum.

Allergy friendly alternative: Homemade freshly baked pizza dough made with organic gluten free flour, omit dairy. (GF, EF, NF, DF) Vegetable pizza (Vegan/Vegetarian)

Afternoon Tea

Quiche Unlesh: Our classic fluffy and flavourful Quiche that packs in delicious flavour with every bit. Freshly baked using organic milk and free-range eggs mixed with chives, ham and cheesee.

Allergy friendly alternative:Bakedwith gluten-free flour, coconut milk, and seasonal vegetables.

Served with an assorted seasonal fresh fruit platter.

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Morning tea

Jumpstart Energy slice: A slice packed with fuel and flavour for your little ones. Freshly baked Organic rolled oats, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dried apricots, sultanas and a small amount of organic raw cane sugar that will not spike the insulin levels.

Allergy friendly alternative: Energy slice: Organic rolled oats, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dried apricots, sultanas and a small amount of organic raw cane sugar that will not spike the insulin levels.(DF, EF, NF, vegan)

Gluten free whole meal muffin (GF)

Served with an assorted seasonal fresh fruit platter.


Vegetarian Lasagna: Packed with vegetables this lasgne makes a hearty mid week lunch. Layers of lasgne between a vegetable medley of mashed kumara, pumpkin, spinach and seasonal vegetables, with swirls of white sauce and topped with grated cheese.

Allergy friendly alternative: As above with gluten free pasta, coconut milk omit cheese. (V, DF, GF, EF, NF)

Afternoon Tea

Banana loaf: Farm bake Banana loaf freshly baked with organic flour, ripened bananas and a small amount of organic raw cane sugar that will not spike the insulin levels.

Allergy friendly alternative: Fruit Loaf

Made with organic gluten free flour, dried fruit, egg substitute and a small amount of organic raw cane sugar that will not spike the insulin levels. (DF, GF, EF, NF, vegan)

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Morning tea

Scones & Jam: Freshly baked with organic flour, soda water and coconut cream, spread with freshly made sugar free jam. Scone variations: Dates, sultanas, apricots, cinnamon. Served with an assorted fresh fruit platter. (DF, EF, NF, vegan)

Allergy friendly alternative: Scones & Jam

Freshly baked with organic gluten free flour, soda water and coconut cream, or alternative milk substitute, spread with freshly made Jam. (GF, vegan) Served with an assorted seasonal fresh fruit platter.


Herb roasted chicken: Free range chicken breast, roasted with seasonal herbs and served with skin on roasted potatoes and fresh farm style coleslaw.

Allergy friendly alternative: Omit Dairy, Gluten free bread and Egg free alternative.

Vegan/Vegetarian: Herb Roasted Vegetables & Roasti potatoes: Herb roasted seasonal vegetables, served with roasted skin on potatoes, fresh farm style coleslaw and garlic bread.

Afternoon Tea

Homemade sausage rolls: Tasty little puff pastry rolls filled with sausage mince, and vegetables.

Allergy friendly alternative: Kumara and Pumpkin filling (Vegan)

Served with vegetable sticks and Homemade Raita,

Allergy friendly alternative: Organic Hummus, (DF)

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Morning tea

Sugar free whole meal muffin: Freshly baked with organic flour, milk, free range eggs. Variations: Apple, date, sultana, apricot, banana. Served with vegetable sticks and Homemade Raita,

Allergy friendly alternative:

Freshly baked hot delicious wholemeal muffins made with organic gluten free flour, milk, egg substitute. Variations: Apple, date, sultana, apricot, banana. (DF, GF, EF, NF, vegan) Served with vegetable sticks and organic hummas (DF)


Designer Sandwich

Children will construct their own sandwich with a variety of fillings: such as chicken, ham, egg, hummus, mayo, tomato relish, seasonal salad vegetables & cheese.

Allergy friendly alternative: Gluten free bread and fillings (GF,EF,NF,DF, Vegan)

Afternoon Tea

Crackled Cocoa Bliss balls: Tasty little nutritionally dense morsels packed full of healthy goodness, including, cranberries, puffed rice, cocoa and coconut. (DF, GF, EF, NF, vegan)

.Allergy friendly alternative: As above. (GF, DF, EF, NF, vegan)

Served with an assorted fresh seasonal fruit platter.

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Our Team

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Te Rapa Preschool Staff

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Te rūma o ao

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Te rūma o hau

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Te rūma o wai

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Te rūma o ahi

Debbie Saba


Kia Ora Everyone
My name is Debbie Saba and I am the administrator at Future Kids.
I am first and foremost a wife and mother. I have been married to Ramin, who
comes from Iran, for soon to be 31 years. We have three adult sons, Keyarn,
Kayvon and Arzhaan. Keyarn is the only one married, and him and my
beautiful daughter-in-law Danielle have blessed us with two grandsons (Arlo 3,
Knox 2) and a granddaughter (Sia 5 months). My family are the very centre of
my world and I consider my boys to be my greatest accomplishment in life, and
love nothing more than spending time with them, although the grandchildren
certainly take centre stage now��.
I am a born and bred Hamiltonian and have lived here my whole life, apart
from 10 years in Auckland after I got married. Ramin and I are now empty
nesters living in Hillcrest. I love to have a good laugh, enjoy reading, jogging
and walking and consider myself to be friendly and easy going.
I am a registered teacher and have been teaching since I was 18 – not really
keen on calculating how many years that is��. My most recent position has
been manager of Glenview Kindy, which is a small centre licensed for 30
children. I have been with the family owned kindy’s for the past seven years
and have loved my time there. I am passionate about community and thrive
on being in an environment where people are uplifted, empowered and
supported through the trials and tribulations that life brings. I believe as an
early childhood teacher that we have the most important role of building up
parents to be the best that they can be, while providing a safe, secure and fun
place for our most precious tamariki.

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Loknandini Reddy

Kia Ora,

My name is Loknandini Reddy but I prefer being called Lok. I am originally from Fiji and have been a NZ citizen for about 21years.

I am a qualified and fully registered teacher. I hold a Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood) from the University of Waikato and a Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) from the University of the South Pacific.

I have been a Primary school teacher for about 13 years and an Early Childhood teacher for about 12 years.

I have worked in a variety of positions in my teaching career including being a service provider/business owner.

“My approach to education and care is based on the founding document Te Tiriti o Waitangi. I aim to ensure that our mokopuna (children), whānau (family) and kaiako (teachers) are participating with tamariki culture and their way of being and knowing. I ensure that I am promoting my learners’ culture, language and their values. My teaching philosophy acknowledges teaching and learning as a reciprocal relationship, where emphasis is placed on building connections with tamariki and their whānau, as well as the community.

The leading values in my teaching practise, which I feel are significant to the needs of all children include: aroha, whakawhanungatanga, whānau and wider community participation, manaakitanga, wānanga, and whakamana. My approach is underpinned by a holistic attitude to child well-being and development. I strive to ensure each child feels secure in their physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual health and that these areas of their well-being are addressed and balanced.

I place value on the local curriculum, and the hapū/iwi of learners to ensure that they are receiving quality learning. I use kia piki ake I ngā raruraru o te kāinga, by taking into account the socio-economic mediation within our community, which I address through my culture focused curriculum.

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Paige Davison

Kia Ora,

My name is Samantha and I am a new teacher at Future Kids, Te Rapa. Teaching is in my blood, my grandmother, mother, aunties and several cousins are all teachers. Therefore, it was no surprise when I began my Bachelor of Teaching, Primary at the University of Waikato, later graduating in 2018. I grew up all over the Waikato as my father was a farmer, eventually settling in Hamilton. I live in Dinsdale with my partner and daughter. We love gardening, hiking and getting outdoors together. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know the tamariki and whanau of this beautiful centre.

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Jaime Butler

Kia Ora

My name is Jaime

I am super excited about getting to know all the wonderful families and being apart of your children's learning journey.

I bring with me over 20 years of experience working in early childhood. My personal philosophy is based on relationships, fostering meaningful connections with staff children and families and being a true advocate for our tamariki.

I have a wonderful husband, two wonderful children aged 21 and 13 and a beautiful grandson who is 7 months old. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, working on our farm, taking my daughter out to her horse events and when I get the time riding my own horse.

I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and being apart of your child's journey at Future Kids.

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Anneliese Thompson

Kia ora, my name is Anneliese and I am thrilled to be joining the Future Kids whānau. With over 10 years of experience in Education, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside rangatahi of varies ages. I share my life with my partner, Nick, and our two fur babies, Rosie and Roger. Our free time is typically filled with outdoor adventures, cherished moments with family, NRL Rugby (Guilty—we are avid Warriors fans!), anddoing renos on our first home.

My teaching experience is based around establishing respectful, reciprocal, relationships with rangatahi and their whānau. I am passionate about individualized learning, embracing cultural diversity, celebrating inclusiveness, and fostering an environment that embraces the rich heritage and customs from an early age.

I am eagerly looking forward to getting to know everyone! :)

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Sue Hill

General Manager

Kia ora, I’m Sue. I hail from Zimbabwe, Africa, where I completed my early childhood studies and worked in ECE settings in both Zimbabwe and Botswana, prior to immigrating to New Zealand.

In 2011, I was privileged to join the wonderful Future Kids Ohaupo community where I worked as a teacher across all age groups, was team leader of the Water room and then centre supervisor, prior to taking on the role of General Manager.

I am passionate about children’s learning and believe in respectful relationships, empowering children to be confident learners who believe in their capabilities. I also believe that this learning extends to all ākonga; tamariki, kaiako and whānau as it takes a village to raise a child. I am excited to be a part of the Future Kids philosophy, supporting nurturing education through sustainable approaches for all.

My husband and I are part of a very active family, who love fishing and the outdoors. When we are not supporting our three children’s many sporting activities, we can be found exploring the waterways around New Zealand and enjoying the great outdoors.

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Devon Elliott

Team Leader

I’ve been working in the ECE sector for 9 years and have held a variety of positions over this time including previous leadership roles. I am particularly passionate about building strong relationships and partnerships between whanau, tamariki and kaiako and enjoy seeing how this leads to best outcomes for our children. Over my career I have had a keen focus on the development and care of our youngest tamariki, our under two’s.

I feel very privileged to be a part of their very important first years and to have the opportunity to witness the world unfold before them as they make new discoveries every day. Born and raised in Canada, I spent 3 years teaching in England before moving to New Zealand 12 years ago. My partner Grant and I have 3 children who we’ve playfully named our Caniwis! Last year we moved to Pukete into our ‘forever’ home and we are slowly discovering our gardening and DIY skills. It has really taught me that you are never too old to learn new things! I’ve been fortunate enough to do a fair bit of travelling over time and we continue to try to do as much of this as we can as family. We also love to go for walks, either in nature or just around the neighbourhood, and go to the beach.

I look forward to having the opportunity to meet each of you and your children and am looking forward to undertaking our shared mahi!

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (68)


Keryn Hooker


Kia Ora, my name is Keryn I am the Centre Manager here at Te Rapa.

I am a qualified and registered teacher with 12 years’ experience in the early childhood sector.

I believe that building strong relationships with each child and their whaanau underpins all other aspects of my personal teaching philosophy. I especially enjoy being outside with children exploring the natural world and helping them discover the environment around them. I am very passionate about supporting children to become independent, inquisitive and knowledgeable members of society.

My husband Jason and I have two preschool daughters, Kaeleigh and Niamh and our latest addition Briar. We are very blessed to live on a life style block at the base of the Hakarimata ranges. As a family we love being outdoors and you will often find myself and the girls out with the horses.

I am looking forward to getting to know the children and their whaanau during my time at Future Kids.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (69)


Chantell Henry


Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (70)


Nicole Wang

Ko Baiyun toku maunga
Ko Pearl toku awa
No GuangZhou China ahau
Ko Canterbury toku kura
Ko Yiwen toku whaea
Ko Jianchao toku papa
Ko Xiaowen toku ingoa

Kia Ora, hello, 你好. My name is Nicole. I originally came from Guangzhou, China and I have been living in New Zealand since 2002. I have gained a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and a graduate diploma of ECE teaching in NZ.

Currently I live with my partner Jim and three children (9,3 and 1 year old) in Pukete. They are very supportive to my postgraduate study in early intervention.

I have been working in various childcare centres since 2011. I enjoy nurturing and educating young children and I always have great passion in project-based learning approach while I am aiming to provide all children with provocation-rich and inclusive learning environment.

I am very excited to become a part of the Future Kids teaching team and I am looking forward to getting to know all the families and children.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (71)


Vanny Lao

Team Leader

Kia Ora! My name is Vanny, I am a qualified Early Childhood Teacher.

I have a passion for early childhood education and have thoroughly enjoyed my 3 years of training. I am very passionate about working with children and being part of their little world. I believe that every child should be given every opportunity to grow into happy, healthy, confident individuals. My approach to teaching is to enhance and enrich children’s learning and development through positive guidance and support. It is paramount for me to create and be part of an environment which has and shows aroha (love), warmth, friendliness, respect, and is safe and stimulating for children. I believe this is what nurtures and supports children’s growth, development, and learning.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (72)


Catrina Mateer

Team Leader

Hi, my names Catrina.

am originally from the UK and emigrated to New Zealand in 1995 with my family and have settled here in Hamilton ever since.

I started my journey in the Early Childhood sector in 2004 when I began my studies at the University of Waikato. I completed my studies and graduated in 2007, and then became a fully registered teacher in 2009. I have had a wide range of wonderful experiences in the 17 years since and have had the pleasure of working alongside some really lovely teachers.

I believe in encouraging children to reach their potentials through play, inquiry, investigations, perseverance and trial and error. As a teacher, I enjoy supporting children where necessary and extending on their interests and findings in a non-intrusive way to encourage them to take ownership and further develop their learning.
I believe in working closely and collaboratively with parents – supporting them in their aspirations for their children. Developing strong bonds with parents/whanau is very important to me. This enables me to form relationships and integrate parent aspirations within children’s learning journeys.

My husband James and I have four beautiful children, and we enjoy spending lots of quality family time together. We make lots of trips to the beach throughout the summer, as well as hiking up mountains and discovering different walks in the area.

I am looking forward to getting to know you all and being an active part in your children’s learning journey.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (73)


Anne Foulkes

Kia Ora; I hold a Bachelor of Teaching ECE.

Originally from Christchurch I travelled and lived in Asia for many years before moving to Auckland and then Hamilton where I live now with my family.

I still have a passion for travel but I have learned this year to appreciate the beauty and wonder of Hamilton and New Zealand. This summer I enjoyed local adventures, long sunny days at the beach and exploring nature with my family.

I look forward to meeting you and am excited to be teaching your tamariki.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (74)


Dishika Joshi

Kia ora,

My name is Dishika Joshi and I hold a bachelor’s in early childhood education, currently I am provisionally registered. During my studies, I got the opportunity to work as teacher and gain a 3-year experience.

The things that I like to do are singing, sketching, playing guitar, hiking and all the outdoor sports.

My teaching philosophy revolves around letting the children take the lead and giving them the space and time, they need to grow. I believe that showing confidence in the children is the most important as they will know that they have someone if they need help.

Looking forward to getting to know the tamariki and whanau at Future Kids!

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (75)


Amandeep Kaur

Kia Ora Whanau,

My name is Amandeep kaur. I’m from India and currently I am studying graduate diploma of teaching ECE at NZTC. I hold a bachelor’s degree in technology too.

I believe that all children are unique and competent learners from birth. My role is to facilitate children’s ongoing learning by providing supporting learning environments and endless opportunities for them to explore, discover, create new ideas and imagine. I believe in cultural diversity, and I respect every individual’s identity, culture, language and throughout my practice I will make efforts to support this diversity. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know your tamariki in ruma wai.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (76)


Jay-Lee Graves

Kia ora,

I have been working with children for nearly a year now. I always knew that I wanted to work with the youngest tamariki.

I do not currently have ECE qualifications but I aim to start studying in the near future.

I was born and raised in New Zealand, my ethnicity is New Zealand European and Māori.

In my spare time I love hanging out at home with my partner and my cat named Maui or I’m always out and about with family as I am a huge family person. For most of my life I have been looking after children in our family and even nick-named ‘aunty – mum’.

I look forward to seeing my growth here at Future Kids.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (77)


Tennesse Wynd

Hey I’m Tennesse I’m 20, I enjoy working with kids it’s all I’ve ever known.

I’m from a huge family with me being one of the oldest so I did a lot of babysitting previously. I have also worked in primary schools as a support teacher. I am looking at starting a bachelor's in social work.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and your children at Future Kids.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (78)


Rachel Paki

Team Leader

Kia ora whaanau,
My name is Rachel and I am a fully registered teacher with over 13
years’ experience, and have held a variety of positions over my time
in ECE. I have a husband and two beautiful daughters. My oldest girl
goes to Te Rapa Primary School and my youngest will be joining me
here at Future Kids. Whaanau is really important to me and I enjoy
every moment I can with them.
I am passionate about allowing all children to experience an
environment with equal opportunities where they can express
themselves freely. All children are unique and learn in their own way.
As a teacher I support children’s learning through play, risk taking,
inquiry and investigation.
Relationships are really important to me and I am looking forward to
building positive relationships with whaanau, tamariki, kaiako and
working alongside everyone to ensure all children reach their

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (79)


Gabriella Oliveira

Kia Ora whanau,

My name is Gabriella, and I am from Brazil. I am 37 years old. I have been living in New Zealand since 2019 with my husband. I have lived most of the time since arriving in Christchurch, so I moved to Hamilton almost a year ago.

In my spare time, I love travelling and fishing with my husband. I love spending time with my family. For me, family is the most precious asset in my life.

I love dancing. I love listening to music.

I have been working in ECE for almost a year now, and I am super passionate about teaching and love working with kids.

I am super cheerful, love working in a team, care about my colleagues, listen to them actively, and always learn with them and the children.

I am so excited about this journey at Future Kids.

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (80)


Fees Schedule

Children from Birth to 6 years.
Minimum session: Children must be enrolled for a minimum of 2 days a week with a daily minimum of 6.5 hours. The 6.5 hour day bookings are between hours 8:30am -3:30pm.

All ages Over 3 years
No. of days booked 6.5 hours 6.5-10 Hours 6.5 hours 6.5-10 Hours
Two $109 $124 $32 $55
Three $161 $182 $54 $85
Four $209 $248 $114 $147
Five $225 $260 $128 $189

Early Childhood Education 20 hours
20 hours ECE is for three and four year olds enrolled in teacher-led early childhood education services. The 20 hours ECE programme means no compulsory fees for up to six hours per day and up to 20 hours per week. Entitlement ceases after 3 weeks continuous absence.

What does 20 ECE Hours mean?
It means that the Government will subsidise up to 20 hours of your child’s childcare fees.

How do we claim the 20 ECE Hours?
All you need to do is complete the section on your child’s enrolment form and we do the rest.

Statutory holidays are charged in full.

Te Rapa Image Gallery

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (89)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (99)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (100)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (101)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (102)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (103)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (104)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (105)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (107)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (111)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (112)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (113)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (114)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (115)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (116)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (117)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (118)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (119)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (120)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (121)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (122)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (123)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (124)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (125)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (126)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (127)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (129)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (130)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (131)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (132)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (133)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (134)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (137)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (138)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (139)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (140)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (141)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (142)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (143)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (144)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (148)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (149)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (150)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (151)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (152)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (153)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (154)

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Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (157)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (158)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (159)

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (160)

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Enrolment Forms

How to enrol at Future Kids Te Rapa Preschool

Download our enrolment form, complete and return this to the centre via email or drop in. You will need to provide the following information and or documents.

  • proof of your child's age and citizenship - birth certificate, passport, citizenship certificate or NZ residency document
  • your child's immunisation certificate if applicable (from your Well Child book)
  • medical information about your child such as allergies, medication and existing medical conditions
  • legal documents such as access or custody agreements
  • contact information for you during the day, and an emergency backup in case they can't reach you
  • your child's doctor's name and contact information.

Enrolment Form Te Rapa >
Information Pack Te Rapa >

Future Kids Preschool Te Rapa & Childcare in Hamilton, NZ | Future Kids (2024)


How much does childcare cost in Hamilton? ›

The average cost for child care around Hamilton is $113.67/day.

Does New Zealand have free preschool? ›

Free Early Childhood Education (ECE)

The state provides financial support to New Zealand families by providing a subsidy to attend ECE. Thanks to this, children from 3 years old can attend ECE 20 hours a week free of charge.

How much does preschool cost in New Zealand? ›

For children aged under 3 years, i.e. aged 0, 1 and 2 years, the fees are: Full time, long days $480 per week or $96 per day for part-timers (minimum 3 days). This rate gives families complete flexibility to access childcare Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 6pm.

What age do you start preschool NZ? ›

Most kindergartens accept children between 2 and 5 years and can have set morning and afternoon sessions for different age groups. Some also offer all-day education and care or part-day sessions.

Is childcare expensive in New Zealand? ›

Did you know that Kiwi parents pay more for daycare than those in other countries even though State funding here is the highest? New Zealand's childcare costs are among the most expensive in the world.

How much does a baby cost in the first year? ›

In total, parents spend an average of $13,000 in the first year of their child's life, not including birth expenses. Parenting is one of the most challenging journeys you can embark on, not least of all because of the financial aspects. However, it's also one of the most rewarding, making any costs worth it.

Is education free in New Zealand for foreigners? ›

To study at a public university in New Zealand, international students need to pay tuition fees.

Why is childcare so expensive in New Zealand? ›

Fee hikes by early childcare providers, combined with minimal Government funding increases over the past decade, and the rising cost of living, mean New Zealand now has the least affordable childcare based on the most recent analysis, from 2021.

How to get free childcare NZ? ›

The government subsidises all children 3 years and above for 20 hours free ECE. This means that if your child is 3, 4 or 5 and attends The Village, they will receive 20 FREE ECE Hours. At The Village the cost is fully subsidised for up to 6 hours a day and up to 20 hours a week.

Is New Zealand a good country to raise kids? ›

Absolutely! New Zealand is consistently ranked as one of the safest countries in the world, with a low crime rate and a friendly, welcoming community. This peace of mind is invaluable for young families, who can enjoy their lives without worrying about crime or other security concerns.

Is education free in New Zealand for kids? ›

Primary and secondary education. Primary and secondary schools are the second level of education. Your child's education is free between the ages of 5 and 19 at state schools (schools that are government owned and funded) if they are a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident. Schooling is compulsory from age 6–16.

Is education in New Zealand cheap? ›

To cover tuition fees, you will need between NZ$ 22,000 and NZ$35,000 a year (indicative). Most commonly humanities, education and arts courses are cheaper, while subjects such as medicine and engineering are likely to be more expensive.

What is special about early childhood education in New Zealand? ›

Although all ECE is administered in New Zealand by the Ministry of Education, the concept incorporates emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual learning and development, in other words a holistic view of the child.

How much is child care in NZ? ›

According to childcare comparison website Care For Kids, the average cost of childcare in New Zealand is $59.72 per 10-hour day or $298.60 for a 50-hour week.

What is the average cost of daycare in CT? ›

The average cost of childcare across the United States is $18,886 per year. The state with the most expensive average childcare costs is Connecticut, at $27,125 per year.

What is the average cost of daycare in the US? ›

Average weekly nanny cost: $766 (up 4% from $736 in 2022). Average weekly daycare cost: $321 (up 13% from $284 in 2022). Average weekly family care center cost: $230 (up 0.4% from $229 in 2022). Average weekly babysitter cost: $192 (up 7% from $179 in 2022).

How much is daycare for a 2 year old in Florida? ›

How much do daycare and preschool cost in Florida? The average cost of in-home childcare per month in Florida is $700. Parents of infants pay even more, with an average monthly cost of $740 per month (that's close to $9,000 a year) while parents of four-year-olds pay an average of $650 per month.

How much does daycare cost in Florida per hour? ›


As of March 2024, the average base rate for infants child care in Orlando, FL is $17.50 per hour. The weekly cost for infants child care working a 40-hour week in Orlando, FL is $700 while the monthly cost is approximately $2,275 for 130 hours of work.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.