Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

THE GREEN BAY PRESS GAZETTE Friday Evening, January 11, 1939. Louise C. Smith Today Celebrates 87th Birthday AVENDER and old lace would be most becoming to the winsome personality of Mrs. Louise 0. who celebrates her 87th birthday today, but even within the shadow el the century mark, she is still much too active to be thus enthroned.

Columns could be written about Mrs. Smith's experiences and her interests, for she is one of those pioneers who has lived through all the vicissitudes of making home in new country and has adapted herself to its rapid change in tempo and temperament. Born Louise C. Berger in Mergentheim, Wurtemburg, Germany, she came to the United States with her parents when she was five years old. The perilous crossing in a sailboat she remembers very vividly, and with sadness, for it took the lives of two of her younger brothers.

The Bergers came almost immediately to Green Bay, and in the same year, 1854, came John Smith and family, including an eldest son, Henry also from Wurtemburg, Germany, Louise and Henry met at a corn husking party given at the old Octagon House in the town of Preble, then 8 comparatively new structure, in the year 1863. In 1870, after young Henry had returned from the Civil war, they were married on Sept. 18 by the Rev. W. J.

Olmsted, then pastor of the West Side Methodist church, uncle of Dr. A. O. Olmsted. Husband Pioneer Gardener In 1873, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry C. Smith moved into a new home just off and Mrs. Smith is now beginning her 62nd year of continuous residence in this home, her husband having passed away two years ago. He was one of the pioneer gardeners of northeastern Wisconsin, the famous Smith gardens having been established by his father.

For many years he was commander of the T. O. Howe Grand Army post. But this is the story of Mrs. Smith, who is equally as well known as was her husband.

Her days are spent at variety of diversions and growing old no burden to her nor anyone around her. has pieced four quilts during last -year, reads an average of two books week (and usually without glasses), works at least one crossword puzzle a day (one of her good friends gives her box full of puzzles every Christmas) and seldom needs a dictionary, writes let-. ters, on nice days walks to the end of the long lane to the main road to get the mail, loves auto riding, makes her own bed and helps with much of the housework, and helps tend the flowers in her beloved outdoor garden and indoor window boxes. The bay window of her home is kept gay all winter with blooming plants. Likes To Go Fibing Mrs.

Smith's days begin early, for the rises at seven every morning, Academy Alumnae to Hold Card Party A card party at the Allouez Community house Wednesday evening, Jan. 16, will be given by the Alumnae association of the St. Joseph Academy, according to plans completed last night at the monthly meeting of the association. Contract and auction bridge, five hundred and schafskopf will be played and there will be prizes for each came. Refreshments consisting of home -made cake and coffee will be served.

Each member will receive an allotment of tickets and the committee expects that all will respond by arranging at least one table. Money may be turned in to the treasurer at the card party. It is the hope of the association that this project will be so successful that it need be the only money-raising event this winter. Each person arranging a table is asked to bring deck of cards. The active committee consists of Lucille Hogan and Bertha Adams, cochairmen; Jessie Dandoy, Rita Geyer, Marion Rollin, Roznoski, Phyl11s McLaughlin, Virginia McNevins, Marion Gossen, Isabel Burkel, Vivian Doering, Marion Roznoski, Audrey Barbeau, Audrey Kroening, Agnes Duerr, and the Mmes.

Arthur W. Bystrom, John V. Diener, John Byer, C. N. Hogan, F.

L. Crikelair, Surprise Party Joseph Cornette Was pleasantly surprised at his home, 1126 last evening, the occasion being his birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward De Witt, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. George Winkel, Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Ashley, Edward and Lawrence Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornette. Cards were enjoyed and prizes went to Mr. and Mrs.

Winkel and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashley. Refreshments were served. Church Societies Ladies' Bible class of the West Moravian church will serve sauerkraut supper Thursday, Jan.

17, in the church dining room. Mrs. J. P. Grimes, 333 S.

bas invited the Women's society of Union Congregational church to a social meeting in her home next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Invitation was extended Tuesday at the annual meeting of the society, during which reports were given. New officers of the Women's society of Christ Episcopal church will be hostesses to members at a social meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. R. E.

Lies, 433 8. Van Buren-st. Visitors will be welcome. The officers beside Mrs. Lies are Mrs.

G. H. Barker, Mrs. E. W.

Lawton, Mrs. Charles Hine, and Mrs. R. R. Risdon.

Trinity Lutheran Ladies' Aid SOciety elected officers yesterday, As follows: President, Mrs. Anna Haltug; first vice-president, Mrs. Henry Lawrence: second vice-president, Mrs. Edward Larson; secretary, Mrs. Anton Jarsted; treasurer, Mrs.

Anton Larson: sunshine chairman, Mrs. Gilbert Lier. Next week the Aid will have a social for new officers and new members. Ergonites of Union Congregational church enjoyed dinner in Pilgrim hall last evening, sitting down to 8 table decorated with a bowl of gourds for A centerpiece, yellow candies, and colored candies. When dinner was over, the members repaired the English room where they heard an interesting talk on lace and lacemaking by Mrs.

A. F. Gilman. She related the history of lace-making in various nations, the various kinds, and by means of the balopticon illustrated her talk. She also exhibited beautiful pieces of lace brought from European countries.

Joint Installation of Officers Held by 1.0.0. Joint installation of officers Green Bay lodge No. 19, 1. 0. 0.

and Green Bay Rebekah lodge No. at Odd Fellows hall Wednesday evening. Grand Master O. Schrader, Ashland, and Past Rebekah Assembly president, Lillian Greiling, Green Bay, assisted by Walter Schaefer and Bertha Lannoye, were installing officers. Emory Woehler heads the Odd Fellows as Noble Grand, and other officers are: Vice-grand, August Hinz; recording secretary, George L.

Schober; financial secretary, Charles T. Herrmann; treasurer, N. Feldhausen; warden, Carl Johnson; conductor, Gus Schefe: I. S. C.

B. Robinson: O. S. G. Wesley Cartier: R.

S. N. Fred Schroeter; L. S. N.

Clayton Wheeler; R. S. V. John De Pas, L. S.

V. Ted Pappas: R. S. Giles De Graf: L. S.

Vernon Dysland; chaplain, Jules Looze. Rebekah officers are: Noble Grand Anna Stinson: vice-grand. Lillian Malchow: recording secretary, Loretta Prevot: financial secretary, Ollie Chadwick: treasurer, Lillian Schroeter; warden, Pearl Mortensen: conductor, Estella Woehler; I. S. Luella Seidl; O.

S. Ida Schaefer; R. S. N. Ella Wilcox: L.

S. N. Ellen Ellison: R. S. V.

Bertha Draeger; L. S. V. Adeline Shepeck; R. S.

Hattie King: L. S. Emma Lang: chaplain, Frances Rosevear; musician, Amelia Brown. At the close of installation 8 Past Noble Grand pin was presented to Mrytle Jessen by the Rebekahs. Among visitors present were the Rebekah Assembly President Jesse Meverden and two past presidents, Ada Tanner and Etta Thome who gave talks.

Grand Master Schrader complimented the Green Bay lodges for the work they are doing. During recent months the Odd Fellows have initiated 30 new members and on Tuesday evening 18 candidates were given the first degree. Next Tuesday the second degree will be conferred on a large class and new applications are coming in each meeting night. The Rebekahs have also taken in several new members and look for big increase this year. Dancing followed the installation.

man of the group and assistant hostess. Mrs. Hatch spoke briefly on "Homemaking," following the luncheon, and the afternoon was spent playing contract and auction bridge. A prize was given at each table. Auxiliary Financing Hospital Repainting This month's project of the newlyorganized auxiliary to St.

Mary's Infants' Home will be to finance complete renovation of the third floor in the hospital, which is the maternity department. Floors, woodwork, and even furniture are being re-painted. and the Auxiliary women are working hard to raise enough funds to pay for the improvements, but with a continuance of the excellent cooperation they have received during the past month or so, they feel confident that it can be done. Girl Scout Notes Leaders Association HE need of more Girl Scout T. at leaders the was regular the topic meeting of discussed the Leaders' Ass'n.

held at the home of Elsa Jacobs Thursday evening. There were ten members present at this meeting including several committeewomen and all pledged their support in securing more leaders for the Girl Scout troops in the city. Miss Alice Mulkey of national headquarters New York City, New York will be in Green Bay the week of Jan. 23 including the 29th and will conduct leaders' training course. All girls 18 years of age and over who are interested in this work are urged to attend this training course, the time and place of meeting to be announced later when suitable place has been secured.

It was announced at this meeting that Mrs. Loretta Schmidt president of the Leaders Ass'n. and leader of the American Legion Troop of Girl Scouts has moved to Pittsburg Penn. Mrs. Schmidt has had many years experience in Scout work and Girl Scouts and leaders of Green Bay troops will miss her help a great deal.

The next regular meeting of the Leaders Ass'n. will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Lyonnais on Feb. 12, Scribe Elsa Jacobs. Shamrock Troop The Shamrock troop resumed regular meetings Monday evening after the holiday period.

The meeting began with games. The scouts have decided to hold a candy sale to raise money for a sleigh ride party. Signalling was practiced and the meeting was closed with songs. Mickey troop of St. Patrick's parish opened its meeting with reading of riddles.

It was announced that the Vocational school is having a course in first aid and the girl scouts are invited to attend. All girls of the Sweet Clover patrol were present. Next week the girl scouts are planning to finish second class work. Anna Marie Sloan had charge of games. Anita Mary Lannoye passed her tenderfoot test.

The meeting closed with taps. Scribe Ruth Buresh. DEMAND FRESH HOME MADE CANDY It Tastes Better, Is Better and Costs No More. BEERNTSEN'S CANDY SHOP 235 No. Broadway Adams 1488 Cobb's Parker House Rolls Give your weekend meals that extra "something" by serving golden brown, butter-brushed Parker House Rolls.

They are 12c a package, wrapped in moisture-proof Cellophane. At All Dealers Ennio Bolognini Has Many Hobbies; Is Musician First HOUGH music is the main VO-4 cation of his life, Ennio Bolognini, South American cellist who appears at East High school auditorium in a joint program, Jan. 17, with Miss Lucille Mousel, coloratura soprano, on the Community Concerts series, finds plenty of time for his numerous hobbies. This enthusiastic son of the Argentine came to this country as sparring partner of Louis Angel Firpo, after having been amateur boxing champion of Argentina for three years. As A flyer, Bolognini has An amateur pilot's license and is working for commercial license.

He has medal given him by General Balbo, Italian commander, upon a visit of Italy's air squadron to Chicago the summer of 1933. Sportsman-Musician For three years he was single-shell rowing champion of Argentina, but never went in for eight-man crew because of his hands. Now Bolognini is busy with Lady Jane, whom he has trained to take the hurdles at five feet ten. Lady Jane is blooded fivegaited mare. This smiling sportsman primarily a musician, and 8 Madison critic said of a recent appearance there: "Bolognini played Saint-Saen's first concerto joyously and had the crowd pounding its collective hands until they smarted." Bolognini has been solo cellist with the Chicago Symphony orchestra and has also appeared as soloist with leading symphony orchestras throughout the country.

He has the distinction of having for his godfather the great Italian conductor, Arturo Toscanini, who at one time played in the same orchestra with Bolognini's father in Argentina. Bolognini is now featured solo artist with the National Broadcasting company. Sang Opera Leads Miss Meusel, who has achieved the reputation of one of the truest coloratura singers in the country, is appearing on the program with Bolog- Y. W. C.

A. Notes Members of the camp committee met Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A.

Reports preliminary to the annual meeting reports were considered. Plans for the summer camp session were outlined. The next meeting of the committee will be held Thursday, February 7, with Mrs. Charles Hintz, chairman. The regular meeting of the finance committee was held at the Y.

W. C. A. Thursday evening. Plans for the annual meeting and auditing were made as well as tentative plans for the March budget campaign.

Mrs. Harry Hollenbeck, chairman, presided. The annual meeting committee will meet at the Y. W. C.

A. Monday evening at 7 p. m. with Mrs. E.

J. Hansen, chairman. All girls or women interested in trip through the Press-Gazette are invited to join the Business and Professional Girls' Club "Know Your City" group Saturday. Registrations this evening will help the chairman, Miss Marjorie Jansen, make arrangements for guides. All making the tour are asked to meet at the Y.

W. C. A. at 2 p.m. Give Surprise Party for Anthony Zoch Anthony Zoch, 116 N.

was pleasantly surprised last evening at his home by a group of friends, the occasion being his 18th birthday. Dinner was served at 6:15 to members of the Dial club, piloted by John Juley, and composed of Anthony Zoch, Charles Lannoye, Edward Jordan, Russell Walters, and Edward O'Brien. After the dinner, at 7:30, the club held its weekly meeting. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs.

Roman Collard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zoch, and Miss Delores Zoch. Anthony received several gifts. Birthday Party A surprise birthday party was given in honor of Paul Jantz last evening at his home, 1227 Eliza-st.

Lunch was served and he received a gift from the following guests: Messrs. and Mmes. Clarence Berns, Ray Dessart, Robert Minsart, Will Sasman, Clarence Russell, Ralph Tilkens, and Reuben Valentine. Personals M. A.

Barrett, 322 WAS called to Chicago today by the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Anna Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.

Larsen, 402 and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Larsen, 824 leave tomorrow for Chicago where they will spend a week or ten days. Boxed Firpo Boxed Firpo ENNIO BOLOGNINI ENNIO BOLOGNINI nint. After her engagements with the Community Concerts series she will rejoin the San Carlo Opera company on the Pacific coast.

A Green Bay girl, Miss Meusel has appeared with the Chicago Civic Opera company, Royal Opera company at Leige, Belgium, where she sang leading roles for three years, and in numerous concert and radio engagements since her return a year ago from abroad. Tickets for individual concerts can not be purchased, but course tickets can be had at the Y. M. C. A.

desk, the Y. W. C. A. Glee club or at the door.

MRS. KUSCHELL DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS (Special to Press-Gazette) CLINTONVILLE, Albertina Kuschell passed away at her home here Tuesday afternoon, following a long illness. Born in Germany, in the Province of Pommerania, Sept. 2, 1858, she came to America fifty years ago, at the age of 26. She was married to Albert Kuschell, Oct.

9, 1888. Mr. Kuschell passed away here April 4, 1930. Survivors are her two daughters, Mrs. Edward Wilkins of this city and Miss Della Kuschell, at home; one son, Adolph, of this city; four sisters, three of whom are in Germany, and one in Copenhagen, Denmark; and one brother in Germany; and thirteen grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held from the Eberhardt Funeral chapel at 1:45 Saturday afternoon to St. Martin's church for a 2 o'clock service. Burial will be in the family lot in the Lutheran cemetery. Last rites will be in charge of the Rev. W.

O. Speckhard. SHAWANO NEWS BRIEFS SHAWANO, night class in shorthand, organized a month ago by Jacob Sheffy, resumed work Tuesday evening with several new members reporting. Mr. Sheffy also directs a class in typing.

The E. J. Van Vonderen family has moved into the Stoehr home on Eagle and Franklin-sts. Harold Menning's orchestra will play at a public dance to be given in the Legion hall Friday evening. The Band Mothers' organization met Thursday afternoon to remeasure for uniforms.

The original outfits, which arrived a month ago, did not fit and had to 1 be sent back. Miss Nancy Davis took over her duties Monday as secretary to Louts Cattau, the new district attorney. Associations Cards will be played at a social and business meeting of the Fort Howard P. T. A.

this evening. There will be no charge, but a collection will be taken up. Hennessy Hat Shop 128 N. Adams St. Every hat in the shop reduced for immediate selling.

Telephone Howard 1896 $2.00 Going South? Then you will need the comfort of this PERMANENT $5 WAVE During January Don't forget your Hair--in planning your Southern wear! This modish permanent wave, before you start, will mean complete lasting hair comfort for you throughout the weeks of tropical weather, An important part of your Southern ensemble -and available to you at this special January price. Of course you can charge it in our Beauty Salon-2nd Floor H. C. Prange Co. Memorial Service and Business Meet Held by W.

R. Following a memorial service for a ing, at 1:30 Thursday afternoon, deceased member, a Mrs Imogene Ordmembers of the Woman's Relief Corps met in the Legion building at 2:30 for regular business and installation of officers. Relief benefitting 58 persons amounted to $98, it was reported and 75 sick visits were made. Those reported 111 included Sarah Wood, Ida Derrick, and Lydia Hogan, whose present address is Route 7, Fond du Lac. The mystery box WAS won by Emma Le Glise.

Officers were installed by Mrs. Edwin Liebman, past department president, assisted by Emma Le Glise, conductor. Mrs. Lillian Greiling presented the president, Rose Morris, with a gold recognition pin on behalf of the corps. Following the business, the Corps adjourned to the Y.

W. C. A. where an attractive supper was served. The occasion was used to celebrate the 87th birthday of the corps chaplain, Louise C.

Smith, whose anniversary occurs today. She was presented with a portfolio, and a card with clever verse aptly expressing the sentiments of the other corps members. Addressed "To Our Sweetheart," it said, "For Heaven's sake, don't you look your age and give your friends a Miss Blanche Bogda Weds On Saturday The marriage of Miss Blanche Anu Bogda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.

H. 1. Bogda, 1201 S. to Francis W. Schneider, La Crosse, son of Mr.

John W. Schneider, 211 S. Washington will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning in the parsonage of St. Willebrord's church, the Rev. S.

M. Killeen to officiate. Has an Important Role In "The Black Flamingo" Sunday MISS MILDRED GOEMANS rISS Goemans of De Pere is one of the three young women who will be in the cast of "The Black Flamingo," second' 5 1934-35 production of St. Norbert's Collegiate Players. to be staged Sunday afternoon and evening in the college auditorium.

Miss Goemans, an actress already familiar to patrons of the St. Norbert stage, will play Nicoli Bodier, wife of the keeper of the Black Flamingo inn, where the action of the play takes place. It is a difficult character part, suited to Miss Goemans' ability. Miss Norma Klingkamer, Green Bay, plays the part of Will Resume Bible Study Classes at 'Y' Pioneer Resident MRS. LOUISE C.

SMITH takes a short nap after lunch, and retires about ten. There's nothing she likes better than to go fishing, and regretfully remarked the other day, "I never got fishing once this summer." She enjoys a good joke, her sense of humor having been sharpened by reading and keen observation of the amusing side of humanity, and those about her every day appreciate her laugh in a voice which is still youthful and beautiful. Mrs. Smith's outside Interests are numerous also, for she belongs to the Women's society and the World Study Guild of Union Congregational church, has been chaplain of the Woman's Relief corps for many years, is an interested member of Little Theater and can be found sitting in the front sow at almost every meeting, has belonged to the Needlework Guild its beginning, and is supporter of the Red Crows and the Y. W.

C. A. Today is being spent much the same as any other day in Mrs. Smith's life, but she is taking little longer nap than usual because tonight she goes out for dinner, to the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles R. Cady. It is also Mr. Cady's birthday, and Mrs. Smith and her daughter, Daisy, and son, Herbert, who are the only children still at home, have been invited to eat birthday dinner with him.

Mrs. Smith is the mother of one daughter and five sons, Walter, Edwin, Victor, Herbert and Kenneth, all of Green Bay. She has 14 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Recommendations of Film Council Pictures recommended by the Green Bay, Better, Films Council this week are. family, West of the Pecos, County Chairman, Enter Madame, Uncertain Lady, Whom the Gods Destroy, Bachelor of Arts, Happiness Ahead, Here is My Heart, Private Life of Don Juan, Father Brown, Detective.

A picture recommended for adults and young people is "Lightning Strikes Twice." Mrs. Homer Lannoye Hostess at Party Mrs. Homer Lannoye, 1900 entertained at an attractive party yesterday afternoon for her daughter Frieda on her sixth birthday. The dining room was decorated in blue and pink, the centerpiece being a large pink cake with six candles. Pink and blue favors marked each place.

The guests were classmates and teachers of the honor guest, Miss L. Duckett, Mrs. A. Kadlec, Deloris Koutsky, Lois Koutsky. Betty Gleason, Marion Gleason, Frieda Lannoye, Marie Van Caster, Tony Van Caster, Nancy Smith, Eugenia Smith.

Virginia Priewe, Dicky Priewe, Litana Arndt, Katherne Arndt, Jean Verheyden, Genevieve Lavoilet, Jackie Zimonick, Joseph Degreef, Junior Zimonick, Audrey Baenen, Doris Vanderplus, Mary Agnes and Dicky Jaunke, Dora Hoffmann, Louise Ellis Cormer, Esther Rose, Homer Lannoye, Mrs. J. Cormer, Mrs. W. Mommaerts, Mrs.

T. Leiterman, Sylvia Boehm, and Mrs. Harold Lannoye. City Briefs Hostesses at the Allouez ity house tomorrow will be Mrs. Wilquet and Mrs.

Susan Platten. Ladies of the O. R. Division 114, will meet Tuesday to install officers. Dinner will follow about 6 o'clock, all members are invited.

Ladies of the G. A. R. will hold their regular business meeting at 12:30 Monday at the Legion building. At noon there will be a department dinner, and members are asked to bring their dishes.

Installation of officers take place at the meetTwill ing. St. Mary's court No. 859, W. C.

O. held its business and social meeting last night in Father Van Susteren hall, and decided to give a public card party Thursday evening, Jan. 24, in the same hall. Mrs. John Neville and Miss Mary Dockry were appointed to take charge.

The next regular business meeting will be held Feb. 14, LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE Members of the Band and Orchestra Parents' association enjoyed luncheon at Joannes Brothers Food Research department yesterday, entertained by Mrs. Nancy Sampson Hatch. Mrs. W.

G. Mueller was chair- Bible Study classes will be resumed at the Y. M. C. A.

at 7:30 this evening by the Rev, Fred W. Field. The application of the bible to modern life is the theme of these weekly Friday evening classes, which are undenominational in character. They have been found interesting by men and women, young and old, and the public is invited to attend. There is no charge.

REV. CARDY TO PREACH The Rev. Gray Jones Cardy, Perry, will preach Sunday morning at the Robinsonville Presbyterian church. and in the afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Wequiock Presbyterian church. Diane de Lussac, ingenue lead.

She has been seen in Little Theater plays and was recently featured in dramatic recital by pupils of Florence Leavitt Fisk. The third feminine part in the play will be taken by Agnes Collette, West De Pere, who is making her first appearance on the St. Norbert stage. She has taken the lead in plays and operettas at Nicolet high school, and in the college production has a light, humorous charactor part, that of Clotilde. The play, for which an elaborate stage his been built, is written around an incident in the life of the beautiful and tragic Marie Antoinette, queen of who was swept to death by the bloody whirlwind of the French Revolution.

It is a favorite with college dramatic organizations, and has been produced by many of the leading schools in the country. The Very Rev. Dr. Anselm M. Keefe, O.

college rector, 18 the director. Reserved seats are on sale at Arents West De Pere, and Hahn' drug East De Pere. store, Fashions of 1935 In a Spectacular Selling at Nau-Sommer's Saturday Worn by Hollywood's best dressed stars The New "Screenlite" Shades in MOJUD SILK KIN of label Replica of Mojuds. RINGLESS pair This is most famous designers in Hollywood How would you like to have one of the SCREENLITE SHADE can. Orry-Kelly, famous Hollywood designer, who creates the fashions worn by Vera Portare creating stocking colors for you? You "BRITISH AGENT Warner Bros.

stars, has styled the new "Screenlite" shades which are available in Ask to see the New Features of Mojud's Mojud Clarinhane Silk Stockings. New Thigh-Mold Stockings, $1.00. An Costly ExOutstanding Case I SPECIAL Getting a Into FIRST FLOOR clusive Inexpensive Fashions FEATURES Look SATURDAY NEW SPRING $3.50 Fine Kid GLOVES 2:79 DRESSES 1.69 Van Raalte Fabric GLOVES 118 $15 NECKWEAR in 79c Others $8.75 to $25 $2 Fine HANDBAGS Leather 1:50 Wear them in the South! Let their radiant colors be a $2.25 Silk joyous surprise under your BLOUSES 1:50 winter coat right now. Wear them far into spring! $5 Girdles Wear them all day and still Brasselettes $3:95 feel dressed up. Prints, Black, Navy, Peaco*ck $3.50 Girdles Blue, and Smart Southern Brasselettes $2:95 color and combinations.

$1 BRASSIERES 89 Formfit THE SALE BRASSIERE and GOES ON Two-way COMBINATION stretch .19 (FINER COATS $1.25 Dove-Sheen Silk and 95c SLIPS RICHLY FURRED Values to $49.50 and 59.50 Reg. $69.50 DRESSES $2 Cotton 1:50 $35 Values Values $1950 $35 $45 $3 DRESSES Cotton 2:85 DRESS CLEARANCE $5 DRESSES Wool $3:75 DRESSES values to $10.00 now $4.75 DRESSES- values -values to $29.50 $19.50 now now $13.75 $9.75 79c CHIFFON Every-day HOSE 59c DRESSES RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF 1935 STYLES IN JUST NORTHERN SEAL FUR COATS PRICED $5250 $5950 $6950 PRICED SPECIALLY SPECIALLY NAU-SOMMER Inc..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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